Cía Europea de Túnidos S.L. requires onboard its vessel Albacora Cuatro the use of only non-entangling FADs and does not permit aboard its vessels the practice of deploying FADs that are of Highest Entanglement Risk as defined in the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs. This policy shall apply to all new FAD deployments, regardless of the type of vessel that deploys the FADs.


        In order to achieve this, the characteristics of any FADs to be deployed by the Company’s vessels adheres to the following:


        For the FAD raft, we commit to:

  • Not covering with netting or other entangling materials.


        For the tail structure, we commit to:


  • Using ropes, canvas or nylon sheets, or other non-entangling materials.



Cía Europea de Túnidos S.L. requires onboard its vessel Albacora Cuatro the use of the following best  practices for FAD management, identified in ISSF Technical Report 2019-11, "Recommended Best Practices for FAD management in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries":


a) Comply with flag state and RFMO reporting requirements for fisheries statistics by set type


We commit to:


  • Filling out completely and accurately the logbooks, including FAD logbook information, by set type required by Spanish authorities and/or the corresponding tRFMO and submitting them by electronic reporting to the required authority and/or tRFMO


We commit to: 

  •  Achieving 100% observer coverage, even if not required by the tRFMO, on all fishing trips through the use of human observers  through the regional observer program operated by tRFMO.


We also commit to:  


  • Collecting data on the number of active FADs and FAD activity (deployments, visits, sets and loss) as required by tRMFO and submitting them to the required authority.


  • Authorizing satellite data buoy provider to provide Spanish authorities buoy daily position data to estimate the number of active FADs and voluntarily submitting them to the tRFMO.


b) Voluntarily report additional FAD buoy data for use by RFMO science bodies


We commit to:    


  • Participate in a scientific program by AZTI by providing daily positions and echo-sounder data for every company-owned FAD, with a time-lag as needed to ensure confidentiality, or]


c) Support science-based limits on the overall number of FADs used per vessel and/or FAD sets made


We commit to:

  •  Abiding by the limit of active number of FADs adopted by tRFMO.


  • Deploying only FADs with satellite tracking buoys.


  • Not reactivating remotely buoys that were previously deactivated. They will only be reactivated when the buoys are back in port.


  • Abiding by the FAD time area closure established by tRFMO.


d) Use only non-entangling FADs to reduce ghost fishing


We commit to:

  • Deploying only FADs that are completely non-entangling (i.e., without any netting) according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs.


  • Not deploying any "high entanglement risk" FAD according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs


  • Removing from the water and bringing back to port all encountered “high entanglement riskFADs according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs


e) Mitigate other environmental impacts due to FAD loss including through the use of biodegradable FADs and FAD recovery policies


We commit to:

  •  Studying the feasibility of using FADs with only biodegradable material in their construction except the floatation structure of the raft.


  • Participating in tests of locally-sourced biodegradable materials in collaboration with ATZI.


  • Studying the feasibility of deploying simpler and smaller FADs.


  • Participate in cooperative efforts, such as the "FAD Watch" in the Seychelles Islands, for the elimination of stranded FADs


  • Do not dispose of any component of the FADs at sea, unless it is made of biodegradable material. Reuse all possible materials and those that are not will be disposed of at the port.


  • Promote the use of biodegradable materials for the manufacture of DCPs


f) For silky sharks (the main bycatch issue in FAD sets) implement further mitigation efforts


We commit to:

  • Applying Best Practices for safe handling and release of sharks and rays brought onboard.


  • Practicing best safe handling and release of sharks and rays brought onboard.


  • Participate in projects for the development of new systems for the release of sharks.



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